Monday, May 31, 2010

A Fun Day At The Museum ~

Last week Daniel and I spent a wonderful day looking at an art exhibition of American Impressionism from 1870-1940. We love history so seeing America through the eyes of these masterful artists was great fun. It was extremely thought provoking. The whole time we were walking around I was thinking of my Grandpa Judd, who was also an artist and painter, who also used oil paints.  He painted his surroundings as well. The beautiful peaks of the Red Mountains and glorious wild flowers and  sun sets in his small Utah town. I always feel him around me when I see nature or any kind of art. He inspires me.
 We also  saw an amazing exhibit of photography from Clyde Butcher, who takes beautiful black and white photographs of the swamp and marsh lands and the National Parks here in Florida. We loved it! Such a lovely day. Here are some of the artists we saw.-