Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Perfect Scare ~ A Recommendation

This is the perfect scary, classic movie. It has elements of autumal colors, suspense, mystery , magic and spiders ... getting ready for halloween! Something Wicked This Way Comes is a thrilling, mysterious tale.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First Day Of Fall, A Yummy Recipe To Celebrate The Season ~

Apple Cinnamon Roll Cupcake ~

Recipe link- click on Title. Looks yummy, I will be making this today.. Sounds so good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Been A Year This Month ~

When I started our blog a year ago this month, I never even imagined what fun and all the enjoyment it would give to me. Starting out as just something to update friends and family on our current interests and experiences, it has become much more than that. Thinking of what I want to create and the ideas for the posts has really kept me motivated and inspired. Some months It seems I have more to say than others but I like to keep things organic and real, my second blog helps to give me an outlet for fashion and design, which is great! So excited about another year for hopefully many more years to come of blogging.  We always appreciate you stopping by and hope you keep enjoying Our Haven Place!

Love, Megan And Daniel -