Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Weekend In Savannah GA ...

 We just got back from a  fabulous weekend in Savannah. We had such an amazing time! Since I always have much affection for anything southern, history related or vintage - when planning this trip  - I was extra excited to say the least. Daniel was truly feeling the idea since he also enjoys all of the above. I booked us at one of the sweetest Inn's on the river which happened to be off from River Street a very fun and beautiful location, and we found out later the river was named Moon River (yes like the song)  because Songwriter Johnny Mercer (he was from Savannah) - wrote the song after the river in Savannah. Super cool right?! One of our favorite songs...
We traveled to Georgia by Amtrak train, which was very interesting and different, and once we arrived we knew Savannah had us at Hello. From this day forward, Georgia will be forever on our minds...

 The start of our trip ~ Amtrak Station

Snap's from the train - along the way.

Magnificent architecture & fragrant Azaleas.
Our Inn & Off to The River Front to explore...

Inside our room, we loved it. So big & cozy.

View from our bedroom window, look how big the ship is!

Our Top 10 Reasons Why We Love Savannah ~

1.The Old Cotton Exchange
2. Monterey Square
3. Yummy Fried Green Tomato's
4.Gaston Street
5. Lots Of Wrought Iron Gates
6.Forsyth Park
7.Reynolds Square
8.The best peach cobbler
9. The Waving Girl Statue
10. Big Live Oak Trees

 Spanish Moss, Lovely Street Sign's, Live Oaks & Cobblestone Streets.

At Juliette Gordon Low House ( Founder Of The Girl Scouts) A Beautiful Museum...

We had a blast walking the cobblestone streets, deciding which historic mansion's we loved more.
River Street & Factor's Walk -And the lovely Moon River. Port Of Savannah.

There are 22 historic squares ( mini parks) in Savannah we tried to see each one.

Beautiful Church.

Of course if you go to Savannah you must eat at The Lady&Sons, love Paula Deen!

Having fun at City Market!

 Walking Savannah Streets.

Our favorite- Forsyth Park.

The Andrew Low House
The inside of this house was amazing.

 Off of Bay Street.

Broughton Street Then & Now
The 1920's & Today 2011...

1 comment:

  1. Megan, I just showed the pictures to Dad, he loved them! I looked at Fashion Spark too, Dad was very impressed. We loved the music. Great girl!
